Couples Therapy


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The story doesn’t stop at “I do.”

Fairy tale romances aside, most marriages have their fair share of conflict. Once you recognize the patterns—and that no one is the “bad guy,” you both just want to be loved—you have the freedom to write a different story for your marriage.

Christian marriage counseling helps you navigate conflict about issues such as:

  • Infidelity

  • parenting

  • addiction

  • boundaries

  • SEX

  • communication

our process

No matter what issue brings you to marriage counseling, we’re here to create a safe space for the two of you to communicate. You will go beyond restoring your relationship to what it was like when you fell in love. You will bounce back better than before.

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1. identifying the cycle

Marriage counseling will help you identify the unconscious patterns that lead to conflict. As you identify triggers and underlying emotions, you will be able to see the conflict coming even before it starts.

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No longer will you have a knee-jerk reaction to your partner’s triggering behaviors. Instead, you can respond as the person you always imagined yourself becoming, as someone who is comfortable in their own skin.

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The final stage is expressing your deepest needs and emotions to your partner, knowing that they will be cherished because your partner has undergone an equally powerful transformation.

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our approach

It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for premarital counseling or have been married for 20 years. Our therapists are here to support your growth as a couple using their advanced training in marriage counseling.

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It may not feel like it right now, but your spouse wants to be with you. And there’s a good chance you feel the same way. Emotionally Focused Therapy builds on this desire for relationship. It creates a safe, supportive space to express your feelings and needs, so you can move from fighting to connecting.

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Restoration Therapy

At our core, many people feel unloved or unsafe, even when there’s plenty of evidence to the contrary. Restoration Therapy heals this deep crisis of identity. Once you see yourself as secure and loved, you can choose to extend peace and compassion to others, especially your partner.

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P/E is often thought of as a premarital counseling program, but it’s actually helpful for couples at any stage. Counseling begins with a detailed assessment that identifies your strengths and growth areas as a couple. You then use your strengths (for example, shared spiritual beliefs or hobbies) to bolster the other areas.

 Meet Our Marriage Therapists
