Teen Counseling Center of San Diego Announces New Website

We are thrilled to announce the new Teen Counseling Center of San Diego website! The Teen Counseling Center of San Diego is a part of Integrity Counseling Group. It focuses exclusively on providing counseling services to teens and their parents, as this is an often overlooked age group within therapy practices that requires special skills and experience.


Background on the Teen Counseling Center of San Diego

The Teen Counseling Center of San Diego actually predates Integrity Counseling Group by 10 years! It was started in 2010 by our founder, Cory Anderson, LMFT, based on his extensive experience working with teens in foster care and private practice.

The Teen Counseling Center of San Diego has grown to include 5 additional therapists. Our teen-focused therapists have backgrounds as high school counselors, youth pastors, and more.


How to Get the Most from the Teen Counseling Center of San Diego

For more information about the Teen Counseling Center, please visit the new website. We have a separate blog and newsletter just for parents with teens. Make sure to sign up!

As always, if you need more personalized help, we’re here for you! To set up an appointment for your teen, call our regular intake specialist Katheryne at (760) 283-7000. Let her know you are looking for a therapist for your teenager and she will find the right fit.
