Our Founder Interviewed about Sex Addiction on The Naked Marriage Podcast

As a Christian counseling practice, we believe that God created sex to be enjoyed in loving, intimate relationships. But with Internet pornography just a click away, sex addiction has become a silent pandemic in our culture and our congregations.


When Dave and Ashley Willis of The Naked Marriage asked our founder, Cory Anderson, to talk about sex addiction on their Christian marriage podcast, he jumped at the opportunity to share Integrity Counseling Group’s message of hope and healing.

Listen to the episode HERE.

Cory is one of several Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSATs) on our staff. As a CSAT, he has received advanced training in healing the root causes of sex addiction, which often include childhood trauma.

In the interview with Dave and Ashley, Cory covers:

  • How to know when pornography use becomes an addiction

  • How sex addiction differes from chemical addictions like alcoholism

  • What to do if you think your partner is hiding an addiction

  • How to set healthy boundaries with your partner

  • Why many CSATs recommend 90-days of abstinence at the start of sex addiction recovery, even for married couples

If you’re struggling with sex addiction, or if you think your partner might have a problem with it, this is a great introduction to the topic and some of the areas you might cover in therapy.

For more information about sex addiction, we recommend checking out the Recovery Zone website. Cory mentions Recovery Zone’s Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST) in the podcast, which a free and anonymous way to see if sexual behavior has escalated to the level of an addiction.


Your SAST results are a great resource to bring to your first therapy session, as they can jumpstart the conversation with your new therapist and give both of you a baseline for where your addiction may be at.

To schedule a session, please contact our intake specialist at (760) 283-7000. Let Katheryne know that you are looking for a therapist who specializes in sex addiction (or helping partners), and she’ll get you scheduled right away with one of our Certified Sex Addiction Therapists.

It can feel like you’re stuck in sex addiction, but change is well within reach. Our therapists are here to support your growth and healing.