Posts tagged sex addiction
Things to Know Before Calling to Make a Therapy Appointment

I love that I get to help everyone who calls find someone who can be their therapist, whether it is at Integrity Counseling Group or if that means referring them elsewhere. So as you’re thinking about making that phone call, sending that e-mail, or shooting us a text message, I want to give you a few pieces of information that will take a bit of the unknown out of that initial conversation for you.

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How the Personal Craziness Index Can Help You Survive the Holidays

It’s okay if the holidays fill you with equal parts joy and anxiety. This season is not easy, especially if you have a history of mental health struggles. This is the time to dig out the tools that have served you well in the past, and perhaps try some new ones.

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Everything You Need to Know About Support Groups

Predators like lions never take down a group of animals (for example, a herd of sheep). What a lion does instead is this: he lures one of the sheep out of the herd by frightening the herd with a chase. The sheep are safer if they can stick together. Support groups, also known as therapy groups, provide you with similar benefits.

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Did Your Spouse’s Infidelity Cause Betrayal Trauma?

Spouses of unfaithful partners are usually relieved to learn that their strong emotions around the infidelity are perfectly valid. According to Dr. Patrick Carnes, who founded IITAP, the leading organization for treating sexual addiction, discovering your spouse’s infidelity can be as traumatic as sexual assault.

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