Posts tagged trauma
How to talk to your teen about starting therapy

Saying yes to therapy is one of the most courageous steps one can take for one’s personal health. However, convincing a teen or young adult that they could benefit from therapy can feel like hiking Mt. Everest with no training! Here are some guidelines for navigating those conversations with your teen.

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5 Challenges Teens Face Everyday and How You Can Help

Your teenager may seem aloof and independent, but they need you now more than ever. Here are some of the challenges your teen may be facing and how you can support them through the psychological changes that come with adolescence.

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Service Dogs, Therapy Dogs, ESAs: Do You Know the Difference?

As someone who splits my time between dog training and mental health advocacy, I’m often asked about the difference between service dogs, therapy dogs, and emotional support animals (ESAs). Each type of dog has a different purpose, which means each type of dog is covered by different rules or laws. Unfortunately, many people are a little fuzzy on the difference, especially when it comes to mental illness-related disabilities. I thought it would be helpful to jump on here and share some of the things that separate these different types of dogs.

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What to Expect in Your First Therapy Session

Hi, I’m Cory Anderson, owner of and one of the therapists at Integrity Counseling Group. I’ve been doing therapy in San Diego for more than 10 years. In that time, I’ve had hundreds of first sessions with new clients! Here’s a peek into what to expect in your first therapy session.

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Did Your Spouse’s Infidelity Cause Betrayal Trauma?

Spouses of unfaithful partners are usually relieved to learn that their strong emotions around the infidelity are perfectly valid. According to Dr. Patrick Carnes, who founded IITAP, the leading organization for treating sexual addiction, discovering your spouse’s infidelity can be as traumatic as sexual assault.

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Take a Virtual Tour of Our New San Marcos Therapy Office

One of our goals at Integrity Counseling Group is to create a safe space where clients can find freedom from depression, anxiety, marital conflict, addiction, and more. That’s why it is so important to us to make sure that our offices meet a few criteria.

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What Is EMDR and Can It Really Heal Memories of Abuse?

Our go-to method for treating trauma and abuse is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR has been around for awhile and has plenty of evidence-based research to demonstrate how highly effective it is in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other forms of trauma.

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