Posts tagged mental health
How to talk to your teen about starting therapy

Saying yes to therapy is one of the most courageous steps one can take for one’s personal health. However, convincing a teen or young adult that they could benefit from therapy can feel like hiking Mt. Everest with no training! Here are some guidelines for navigating those conversations with your teen.

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5 Challenges Teens Face Everyday and How You Can Help

Your teenager may seem aloof and independent, but they need you now more than ever. Here are some of the challenges your teen may be facing and how you can support them through the psychological changes that come with adolescence.

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Service Dogs, Therapy Dogs, ESAs: Do You Know the Difference?

As someone who splits my time between dog training and mental health advocacy, I’m often asked about the difference between service dogs, therapy dogs, and emotional support animals (ESAs). Each type of dog has a different purpose, which means each type of dog is covered by different rules or laws. Unfortunately, many people are a little fuzzy on the difference, especially when it comes to mental illness-related disabilities. I thought it would be helpful to jump on here and share some of the things that separate these different types of dogs.

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5 Cheap Ideas You'll Want to Try for Self Care Saturday

We asked our therapists, who live and work all around San Diego County, about their favorite weekend self-care activities. They all replied with outdoor activities that are not only super relaxing, but also fairly cheap or even free. If you’re looking for a way to boost your mental wellness this weekend, check out our list of cheap self-care ideas in San Diego from our therapists.

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Things to Know Before Calling to Make a Therapy Appointment

I love that I get to help everyone who calls find someone who can be their therapist, whether it is at Integrity Counseling Group or if that means referring them elsewhere. So as you’re thinking about making that phone call, sending that e-mail, or shooting us a text message, I want to give you a few pieces of information that will take a bit of the unknown out of that initial conversation for you.

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How the Personal Craziness Index Can Help You Survive the Holidays

It’s okay if the holidays fill you with equal parts joy and anxiety. This season is not easy, especially if you have a history of mental health struggles. This is the time to dig out the tools that have served you well in the past, and perhaps try some new ones.

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What It's Like Serving "the Least of These" at San Diego's Top Mental Hospital

We asked our newest associate therapist to share a little bit about her experience as an intern therapist at Sharp Mesa Vista, one of San Diego’s top mental health facilities. It’s such a unique setting and has more than prepared her for the challenges of working with clients at Integrity Counseling Group.

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Building Resilience in Children During COVID-19

While this is a challenging time for everyone, it’s also a great opportunity for building resilience in your children, just like those garden plants. By teaching them to build their emotional strength, you are in effect helping them send their root system deeper into the soil. Next time they face a challenge, whether it’s a difficult relationship at school or an athletic disappointment, your kids will be better equipped to bounce back and even thrive because of the lessons they are learning now.

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6 San Diego Therapists on How to Survive the COVID-19 Lock Down

After more than 2 months under COVID-19 lock down, you’re either feeling like a self-isolation expert or wondering how much longer your patience is going to hold. If you’re feeling weary of being home—or just need some tried-and-true suggestions for your next takeout meal—our San Diego therapists are here to share what they’re learning about surviving the pandemic.

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